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We Clean & Clear Properties

Our cleaners have years of cleaning experience working for both home owners as well as landlords and letting agents. Our Service is available throughout the city of Edinburgh, across the Lothians and in Fife.

If you are a landlord or letting agent, we can provide fixed price cleaning lists covering all items that you are likely to encounter at the end if a tenancy. These will allow you to agree costs up front with the exiting tenants prior to instructing any works which will help clarity and hopefully make the Tenancy Deposit returns a smoother process. Our cleaners also provide cleaning services to both private and commercial clients whether one off or regular cleans. We also have specialist carpet cleaners who can provide deep cleaning of carpets whether domestic or commercial.

Examples of the types of cleaning work we undertake is as follows;

  • End of tenancy cleans based on fixed price framework
  • Home cleaning
  • Office and other commercial premises cleans
  • Communal stair cleaning
  • Window cleaning
  • Specialist carpet cleaning

In addition, we also have a specialist property clearance firm who will undertake full house clearances or pick up individual items needing removed and dispose of these at a licensed waste site. So whether you are selling a property and need it cleared as part of the sale or your tenant has left a number of items at the end of a tenancy that you need disposed. Give us a call and we will arrange a clearance or provide you with a quote based on a description of the items.[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title=”Get in touch today” style=”flat” color=”success” i_icon_fontawesome=”fas fa-phone” add_icon=”true” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Ftradesinc.co.uk%2Fcontact%2F|title:Contact”][/vc_column][/vc_row]