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Get Help With Glazing Issues – Contact The Glaziers At Trades Inc.

Our glaziers have been in the business for over 40 years and will bring their knowledge and experience to bear on your glazing issue. Whether it is simply replacing a cracked window pane or full new replacement windows or patio doors they will ensure you get the best product at the best price all fitted expertly.

If you have a glass related issue or are thinking of replacing your windows, then make TradesInc. your first call. We will advise you on local planning legislation and what you can and cannot fit. We will listen to your requirements and find a quality glazing product that suits perfectly your application. We are aware that replacing windows is a large undertaking but we will provide no obligation quotes for any repairs or replacements at very keen prices which will allow you to plan suitably for this work.

Our Glaziers provide glazing services for landlords and property owners throughout Edinburgh, The Lothians and Fife.

Examples of the types of glazing work we undertake are as follows;

  • Single and double glazing repairs and replacement
  • Sash and case repairs and refurbishment
  • Re-roping and fitting of new weights
  • Window mastic and putty repairs
  • Repair or replacement of locks, handles and locking mechanisms
  • Replacement timber and UPVC windows
  • Bespoke fixed glazing panels
  • New patio doors (hinged, sliding, concertina etc)
  • Glass splashbacks for kitchens

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