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Expert Flooring Fitters. Fitting Carpets Laminate & Real Wood Flooring

Our flooring suppliers and fitters have many years of trade experience and can provide you with a wide range of products from carpets through to solid timber. No matter what your space they will help assist you with expert advice on subfloor preparation with everything fitted to a high standard.

If you are a landlord looking for a carpet that is stain protected and hard wearing, then we have specific rental range of carpets for your rental property. For home owners we have a full range of carpet and flooring types to suit all budgets so give us a call and we will bring the samples to you in your property so you can choose the finish that is right for your project.

Examples of the types of floor related work we undertake is as follows;

  • Repairs and adjustments to existing floors
  • Threshold bars repaired or replaced
  • Fitting of new carpets, underlay and grip
  • Fitting of vinyl sheet, tile and plank products
  • Laminate, composite or real wood flooring
  • Stair carpet design and production
  • Floor levelling and screeding
  • Commercial flooring installations


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