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Get Help With Planning & Building Regulations

We can advise on and take care of all the required Statutory Consent applications for you and your project. If you are planning a project, then get in touch with us at as early a stage as possible and we will ensure that your planned project is feasible and that it allows for any Planning restrictions in place and takes into account all relevant Building Regulations. This can save you a lot of time and effort before you make any Statutory Applications. Once it comes to making the required Statutory Applications we can take care of everything for you, our team and our partner firms will produce all the relevant drawings, certification and fill in all the forms making all the required applications on your behalf.

If your project includes Structural Alterations, then as above our early involvement in a project is essential as we can provide good value engineering solutions for your project. Our Structural Engineer will advise you on the design, providing all drawings, details, calculations and required certifications to accompany your application.

A brief guide to some of the standard applications and considerations you need to take account of are as follows;

Planning Application – If you are making external material alterations to your property then it is likely that you will require a Planning Application. There are exceptions to this depending on the type and location of the alterations so please contact us and we will advise you.

Listed Building Consent – If your building is a Listed then if you are making external or major internal material alterations then it likely you will need to apply for this depending on the exact nature of the items listed or grading. Unsure if your property is Listed or not? You can either call the relevant Local Authority Planning department or call Historic Scotland or use Historic Scotland’s online listed building search facility or call us and we will advise you.

Conservation Areas – Before you plan your project you need to be fully aware whether your property is in a Conservation Area or not and any restrictions that this carries with it such as window restrictions. Call us and we will happily look into this and advise you.

Building Warrant Application – When you are materially altering the internal or external of a property subject to the exact nature of your changes you will likely require to apply for a Building Warrant. If your project involves drainage changes, structural alterations, alterations to the external skin or involves changing the use of a space or use of the whole property then you will definitely require a Building Warrant.
Please get in touch with us if you would like some advice on your project, consents required or a quote to apply for the required consents on your behalf.[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title=”Get in touch today!” style=”flat” color=”success” size=”lg” i_icon_fontawesome=”fas fa-phone” add_icon=”true” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Ftradesinc.co.uk%2Fcontact%2F|title:Contact”][/vc_column][/vc_row]