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We can assist you at every stage from design, supply through to installation of your chosen kitchen or bathroom. Best to contact us at a very early stage as we will use our experience and design knowledge to help you make the correct choices right from the very start. Our Bathroom & Kitchen replacement services are available in Edinburgh, the Lothians and Fife.

On kitchens we have a team of experienced designers who will assist you from initial design providing you with 3D visualisations and sound advice to help you design your perfect kitchen. We also have long established relationships with a number of kitchen suppliers including Magnet, Howdens and Stevenswood and as such we can supply their products to you at very keen trade prices. We also have professional fitting teams with long standing experience of fitting these supplier’s products. So no matter whether it is a basic kitchen in a rental property or your dream kitchen in your own property our fitter’s expertise and attention to detail will ensure that you get the same quality of fitting and same fantastic end result.

On bathrooms we can again assist you in the design of your new bathroom giving sound design advice to help you make the right choice for the space available and the realities of your available drainage. We also have great rates with several bathroom suppliers and tiling suppliers so can help you save money on the supply of your bathroom installation as well as having all the skilled trades required to get all the various elements fitted and completed to a high standard.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

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