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Our Roofing & Stonemason Services

We carry tried & trusted roofers and related trades such as harling and stonemasons. So if you have an issue with your roof please call us we will arrange for a free roof survey and quote where access is available and will provide you with a full photo explanation of any issues noted along with detailed quotes for any repair.

Your roof is one area of your property where it is difficult to access to assess for yourself where the issue might lie and as such you need a roofing professional that you can trust. We only employ tried & trusted roofers with whom we have a longstanding relationship with. Once the repair is complete we will also provide photos of all repairs undertaken to give your full visibility and peace of mind on each and every repair. Our roofing, stonemason and stone repair services are available throughout the Edinburgh area as well as, across the Lothians and Fife.

We carry roofers with a broad range of specialist areas so we can cover most roofing types and eventualities that arise including the following areas;

  • Flat Roofs – Our main roofer has over 15 years experience in the fitting and maintenance of flat roofing systems and continues to update his knowledge on new products available to ensure the best possible repairs or replacement systems are installed.
  • Slating & Roof Tiles – No matter the size of the job from replacing a few slipped slates to a full reroof we have a good supplier network than can source or match most slate types or tile profiles and get the job done.
  • Lead & Zinc Work – Our tradesmen are all competent in working with lead and zinc and are accustomed to carrying out both repairs or renewals of ridges, flashings and valley gutters.
  • Cast Iron Gutters & Downpipes – From cleaning or unblocking of gutters and downpipes to repair, overhaul or replacement of cracked or damaged pipes or guttering.
  • UPVC Roofline – We can supply & fit UPVC facia and roof edging which will never require to be painted or any other regular maintenance. All roof lining and facia works undertaken are covered with a 10-year guarantee.
  • Roof Windows & Cupulas – Our roofers have experience in repairing roof windows and cupulas to eliminate water ingress to properties.
  • Roof Access – Our roofers carry their own scaffold although we can also provide cherry pickers or powered booms or provide rope access services where possible to keep the cost of these high level repairs down.
  • Stonework – Whether repointing, rebuilding or undertaking a lithomex stone repair one our stonework professionals will be able to attend and advise on the appropriate repair for your property.
  • Rendering/ Harling – Whether a small patch repair or a full wall or property re-render we carry a number of specialist providers in this area.
  • Communal Roof Repairs – We will happily provide advice to individual owners and provide quotes for communal repairs. Where all owners are contactable and details are provided we will also assist in coordinating payments and will provide updates to all individual owners both during and upon completion.


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